📅 2020 in review

It's that time of year again! Time to reflect on the past year and see how I measured up to my goals. This is the second year I've posted my resolutions, and I feel it really helps me stay on track throughout the year. Let's see how I did.

💏 marriage

I think a few months into the year my wife hated hearing the same question every morning! But starting each day with a nice conversation with my wife instead of wandering around groggy helped us start each day feeling more connected and aligned.

🐶 roman

Unfortunately, I did not do well at this particular resolution. We did cut his nails at home a few times and bathed him a few times. But I didn't keep this up at the cadence I intended.

His old age really started to show this year, as his hearing and eyesight are much worse. He's also been a bit more anxious. Honestly quality time with him on the couch is probably what he'd enjoy the most.

🤠 daily texas country

Over the course of 2020, Daily Texas Country grew immensely. Starting as just a Twitter bot, DTXC now has a website, a YouTube channel, a Spotify account, an Instagram profile, and a Facebook page.

I produce lots of different types of content for the brand. I've got blog posts, playlists, weekly Whiskey Wednesday videos, and even an apparel store!

Some quick stats about Daily Texas Country. I've written 22 blog posts and created 46 videos. The website gets an average of 20 views a day, videos get an average of 15 views, I wrote an article that got 2400 views, and I've made $16 from apparel sales so far.

While there's nothing particularly impressive about these numbers, it's a great starting point for growth in the next year!

📺 youtube growth

This year was huge for me as far as content creation goes. I published 21 new videos and grew my YouTube channel to 300 subscribers! The majority of my videos were pre-recorded and covered specific tutorial topics, like plop or npm packages.

I transitioned to Twitch and continued to stream, a lot actually. I'm now a Twitch Affiliate with 165 followers and 6 subscribers, which has made me about $50 so far.

🎨 adobe

I was very upfront with my manager about wanting a promotion, and she delivered! I got promoted to Senior Software Engineer at Adobe! The promotion came with a great raise, but no shift in priorities or role, just an increased expectation of accountability and leadership.

🏋🏼‍♂️ fitness

Due to COVID, my summer cut was actually more of a fall cut. But it went great nonetheless, I lost 13 pounds in 8 weeks. I backed out of it a little faster than I would have liked, but I kept my workouts consistent and habitualized my water intake goals.

💵 finances

With the promotion at work, we easily paid off the new family vehicle. We're also depositing more into our retirement and savings accounts by default, as they're based on a percentage of my salary.

Despite the difficult circumstances in 2020, I did exceedingly well with nearly all of my resolutions. I'll be writing down my goals for 2021 in the next few days, so keep an eye out for those!

What did you accomplish in 2020? What are your goals in 2021?
Share them with me on Twitter!