🏆 goals for 2020

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020, it's a new year and a new decade. That means we have a lot to accomplish, and I'm fired up to get started. In 2019 I wrote down my resolutions for the first time. I'll be doing the same thing this year, here's what I've got.

💏 marriage

Last year I ended each day by giving my wife a compliment. This year I'm focusing on starting off the day on the right foot. Every day I'm going to ask Gaby this simple question.

What are you up to today?

Most of the time I'll know the answer, but it will get us talking and interacting before the kids distract us.

🐶 roman

I adopted my dog Roman when he was three. Now he's getting older, turning 13 this year. Since we had kids he's taken a back seat. I'd like to change that and show him the love and attention that I used to.

So I'm going to take him on a walk (that's all about him) once a week. Although he's primarily an indoor dog, I'm going to bathe him once a month. And I'm going to get his nails cut once a month.

🤠 daily texas country

Last year I spread myself too thin in my coding goals. This year I have one focus: building a site and a brand around my Daily Texas Country Twitter account. Currently it's a Twitter bot that posts random songs from my Spotify playlist every day. But I have plans for it to be much more.

I envision it being something like Whiskey Riff, but with a more personal feel. So my goal by the end of the year is to have a site up running at dailytexascountry.com. This will include a history of the Twitter feed and a blog.

I also have an idea for a YouTube channel to accompany the site. Every Wednesday I would do a live listen of the song posted on the @dailytxcountry Twitter account and call it #whiskeywednesday.

Eventually my goal is to create merchandise to sell on Teespring and have the site generate some income. But I'll consider making my first dollar a bonus goal for the year.

📺 youtube growth

Last year I started livestreaming many of my coding sessions. Thanks to that, my channel has started to grow! I want to continue the momentum this year and reach the 100 subscriber milestone. To do that, my goal is to publish at least one video a month.

🎨 adobe

Since I've joined Adobe I've taken on tons of responsibility. I lead the frontend team, lead the frontend guild, run our team meetings, mentor other developers, contribute to spec and design work, and so much more. I believe I'm ready to jump to the next level, and I want to be upfront with my manager about my desire for a promotion.

🏋🏼‍♂️ fitness

After dieting down for summertime, I usually get too careless with my fitness regiment in the winter. I find myself eating poorly and not exercising. This year I'd like to continue my workout routine through the winter while relaxing my diet. This will help with muscle and strength gains. A bulk is only good if you're still training!

And as a general health goal, I want to increase my water intake. So I'll drink one 30oz Yeti of water with every meal.

💵 finances

I am blessed to not have to worry about money. But I should think ahead about debt, savings, and retirement.

We purchased a new vehicle last year to accommodate our growing family. That SUV and the house are our only sources of debt. My goal is to pay off the vehicle early this year. Then with the car payment gone, I plan to pay more principal on our home loan, and increase our 401k contributions each month.

I hope this strategy will eliminate our debt, and grow our retirement funds quicker.