🏆 goals for 2021

Despite the pandemic, 2020 was my most productive year for personal branding, side projects, and passive income. I want to carry on that momentum in 2021, but I've got lots of projects in flight. So my focus for this year will be building on my strong foundations.

💏 marriage

I always like to start off my goals with a focus on marriage.

Last year was stressful, and brought out many emotions. My wife and I noticed that we weren't communicating as clearly as usual throughout the quarantine. So I want to focus on communicating everything, good or bad, as early and often as possible. Being on the same page always brings togetherness.

With my recent achilles injury, my wife has really stepped up to take care of me and do even more around the house. So I'd like to make it a point every day to tell her how appreciative I am of her efforts.

😁 positivity

Given the injury, there's a lot I could be salty about. But so far I've maintained a positive attitude about my healing and recovery. I want to carry that through the rest of the year. I believe a positive attitude will get me through tough times during the recovery.

🦶 recovery

My primary focus this year is recovering from my achilles injury. I don't want to miss a single physical therapy session, and I even plan on going above and beyond by doing additional exercises at home to strengthen my ankle. My goal is to be squatting weight and running by the end of the year.

Additionally, I want to make sure I'm not neglecting other parts of my body. As soon as I'm able, I'll be back in the home gym working out my upper body.

🎙 podcast

Although I said I wanted to focus on foundations, I thought about creating my own podcast on many occasions last year. This year I pull the trigger.

The plan is a one man podcast, primarily focused on bringing in guests, although I don't mind recording some solo if I have to. My goal is to record and publish ten episodes.

I think the name will be bg codes, and the show will be hosted on Anchor.

🎥 twitch

I really fell in love with streaming last year, and I've got a lot of ideas to promote engagement on the channel. I want to really up the ante with my channel point redemptions. To further promote loyal viewers, I plan on releasing a few bg codes shirts to my store.

There's also room for infrastructure improvements on my stream. I'd like to convert my overlays to html, which serves as a jumping off point for some great integrations. It also might be cool to add a live banner to bradgarropy.com which links over to Twitch.

📺 youtube

I want to see continued growth on YouTube. Content here is the most fun to produce, so I'd like to do one video per month and reach 500 subscribers.

🏡 bradgarropy.com

I love my website, but the landing page is nothing but fluff. Expect a redesign of the landing page this year, as well at least one blog post per month.

🤠 daily texas country

I still struggle coming up with ideas on how to grow Daily Texas Country. While I've been rock solid on the Whiskey Wednesday videos, I've completely neglected the blog. I'd like to revitalize it with at least one post per month. Not only will that add more content to the website, it will give me things to share on Facebook and Twitter.

I also want to keep up the tradition of holiday playlists. I can think of a few that I missed, like Valentine's Day and Texas Independence Day, that would be fun.

⏱ murphy

What started as a learning project turned into a production application. I need to rewrite Murphy, and I plan on using Next.js to get it done.

I wanted to produce some marketing videos for Murphy, but I'll have to pivot due to the injury and find another way to get the word out.

🎬 conclusion

I think 2020 taught us all how to handle adversity, and I still have some of that going on in 2021. But I'll be sticking to familiar ground this year to solidify my foundations while providing a bit of innovation and a new form of content.

What are your goals for 2021? Share them with me on Twitter!