😜 mocking next.js

Previously I covered how to mock gatsby and gatsby image in jest tests. Lately I've been using Next.js for new projects, and with that I've had to reimplement a few things that I had built specifically for Gatsby. For instance, I'll have to create new versions of my gatsby-plugin-seo and gatsby-link packages for Next.js.

However, I have been able to maintain very high test coverage with these new Next.js applications. But along the way I ran into functionality that I had to mock out so tests can run independently of the framework. The next/head and next/image components were the first two that came up.

Mocking next/head was very simple, just a passthrough of the child nodes, which are usually meta tags. This works well for testing purposes because you can write assertions that target the child nodes as you would expect.

    () =>
        function Head({children}) {
            return <>{children}</>

While the next/image component is much more complicated, the mock remains simple. I defined the mock as an img tag and passed through only the src and alt attributes. This is a subset of the possible props, but you can add more if you like. Now I can treat the <Image> component just like a vanilla img tag in my tests!

    () =>
        function Image({src, alt}) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line @next/next/no-img-element
            return <img src={src} alt={alt} />

If you find these mocks useful, let me know and I can publish them as an npm package. What kind of mocks do you use when testing Next.js? Let me know on Twitter!