🌃 working on side projects livestream

James Quick needed a last minute guest for his Twitch stream and I came in clutch to fill the spot! I've been working on a new side project lately called MURPHY, and talking a lot about it in the Learn Build Teach Discord.

The project started as a simple tool to help me time the murph workout, but quickly turned into an excuse to learn a bunch of new technologies. I decided to build a fullstack application with Svelte, Tailwind, Stripe, FaunaDB, and Netlify Identity.

During the stream I give a walkthrough of the application in it's current state, and share my thoughts about each of the technologies I used. I definitely hit some walls and experienced some frustration while developing this side project, but it helped to push my boundaries and grow my skills. MURPHY isn't finished yet, but you can watch all of my progress on Twitch!